Friday, September 10, 2010

Mod 2 Safety Blog

Mr. Goff's Guide To Being Safe and Respectful

1. Never give your password to anyone (except mom/dad/guardian).
2. Use only your first name only, a pseudonym or a teacher (that's me) given number.
3. Do not tell people you don't know where you live.
4. Be respectful when commenting on fellow students' work. For example use school appropriate language when commenting on other students' blogs.
5. Check with your parents that your computer as some sort of filter and abide by that filter.
6. Stay away from website you may be unfamiliar to avoid catching an unknown virus.

Remember I will be viewing all of your blogs so be appropriate what you post.

1 comment:

  1. You have covered some of the most important points.

    Dr. Burgos
